Short phrases about Islam, Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran

Short phrases about Islam, Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran
Short phrases about Islam, Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran
Short phrases about Islam, Allah, Muhammad, and the Quran
It tells us to believe in our One True God (Allah), the Creator, and to worship Him ALONE.
It teaches us to believe in all the Messengers and Prophets of Allah, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God’s peace be upon them).
It inspires us to have good intentions, positive attitudes, and kind feelings towards others.
It teaches us to forgive others, and to love for others what we love for ourselves.
It is Islam!
Islam teaches us…
to smile and to be cheerful and optimistic.
to act and treat others politely and respectfully.
to have good manners and nice behavior with people.
to be gentle with animals, birds, and our environment.
to respect and care for our parents and the elderly, and to be good to our spouses, children, and other family members.
to help, feed, and support those who are weak, poor, needy, and disabled.
It guides us to be generous, charitable, and cooperative.
It urges us to be positive by engaging in volunteer work and community service.
It tells us that the best humans are those who are most beneficial to others.
It affirms that the most honorable and noble people are those who have the most piety and righteousness, whose hearts are pure and cleansed of envy, hatred, and arrogance.
It urges us to think, ponder, and reason, and to base our beliefs and judgments on proof.
It is Islam!
• Islam teaches us that all human beings are equal regardless of their race, color, or nationality.
• Islam prohibits all forms of apartheid, class-based discrimination, and racism.
• Islam commands us to maintain security, spread peace, and live in peace and harmony on Earth.
• Islam instructs us not to transgress against others or to steal their money or property.
• Islam prohibits the killing of innocents, as well as treason, deception, and breaking agreements.
Islam …
• instructs us to avoid hatred and hostility towards others.
• instructs us not to hurt, backbite, ridicule, or despise others.
• commands us not to cheat, tell lies, or think badly of others.
• guides us to truthfulness, justice, trustworthiness, generosity, and humility.
• instructs us to maintain a good relationship with our Creator, our own selves, and others.
The more you read and learn about Islam from authentic and reliable sources, the more you will discover that it is the true religion of Adam and Eve and their descendants until the end of this world. Islam is simple, logical, clear, practical, and comprehensive. The beauty of Islam is infinite, since it comes from the Infinite One, the Creator.
The One True God, Allah, states in the beautiful and unaltered Qur’an:
{This day I have perfected your religion for you, completed My favor upon you, and approved for you Islam as your religion.} (5:3)
The One True God (Allah), the Creator, tells us to worship Him alone and to follow Muhammad, God’s last and final Prophet, sent to all humankind (Jews, Christians, Muslims, Hindus, Buddhists, atheists, agnostics, and others).
Allah offers His guidance and light to all people. He reveals the secrets and keys through which we can achieve tranquility and contentment, as well as spiritual and global peace.
Islam teaches us to be just, wise, sincere, honest, objective, and open-minded in our search for the truth.
• Since the creation of Adam and Eve, throughout history, just one original message has been delivered to humankind:
Believe in the One True God (Allah), the Creator,
and worship Him only.
• To convey this message of ‘Tawheed’ (Oneness of Allah) and to get their people back on track, the One True God (Allah) sent many Prophets and Messengers, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad (may God’s peace be upon them).
• These Prophets and Messengers all preached the same message; therefore, their true religion must be the same!
The Qur’an confirms that ‘submission’ to God is the essence of the true religion of Adam and Eve and their descendants until the Day of Judgment. This word ‘submission’ is the meaning of the Arabic word ‘ISLAM’.
The Bible mentions many statements in which Jesus teaches his followers to do the Will of God and to keep His commandments. Similarly, the Bible reports these words of James, who also refers to the meaning of Islam (submission to God) when he says:
“Submit yourselves therefore to God.” (James 4:7)
The word ‘Muslim’ means a person who submits his or her will to the One True God; therefore, Muslims are true followers of Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, Mohammad, and the rest of the Prophets.
The Oneness of God (Tawheed) in the Bible and the Qur’an (Part 1)
Hear, O Israel: The Lord our God is one Lord. (Deut. 6: 4)
For I am God, and there is none else; I am God, and there is none like me. (Isaiah 46: 9)
And eternal life means to know you, the only true God, and to know Jesus Christ, whom you sent. (John 17: 3)
Jesus answered, "My teaching is not my own. It comes from the One who sent me. (John 7: 16)
And your god is One God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. (The Qur’an 2: 163)
Say, "He is Allah, [Who is] One, Allah the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, and there is no equivalent to Him." (The Qur’an 112: 1-4)
The Oneness of God (Tawheed) in the Bible and the Qur’an (Part 2)
How great you are, O Sovereign Lord! There is no one like you, and there is no God but you, as we have heard with our own ears. (2 Samuel 7:22)
You may know and believe Me and understand that I am He. Before Me no god was formed, nor shall there be any after Me. I, I am the Lord, and besides Me there is no Savior. (Isaiah 43: 10-11)
And, behold, one came and said unto him, Good Master, what good thing shall I do, that I may have eternal life? And he (Jesus) said unto him, Why do you call me good? There is none good but one, that is, God. (Matthew 19: 16-17, KJV)
And the scribe said unto him, Well, Master, thou hast said the truth: for there is one God; and there is none other but he: (Mark 12: 32)
“There is no deity except Me, so worship Me.” (The Qur’an 21: 25)
Indeed, your God is One. (The Qur’an 37: 4)
All God’s Prophets and Messengers ̶ including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad ̶ were sent by the same God, the Creator, to convey the same message:
The true God is only ONE. Worship Him ALONE
and keep His commandments.
To attain salvation, we must receive and believe in the above-mentioned message willingly and wholeheartedly. But this is not enough! We must also believe in all God’s true Prophets (including Prophet Muhammad) and follow their true religion, guidance and teachings. This is the gateway to a happy, eternal life!
Are you curious?
If you are curious and interested in discovering more information and details about the religion of Adam and Eve (Islam), please visit our website:
The ABCs of Islam!
• Islam teaches us that the gateway to a happy, content, and eternal life is through believing in Allah, the One True God, and His final Prophet, Muhammad, and pronouncing this testimony:
“I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
• Islam tells us that believing in Allah and His Prophets is not enough to gain peace of mind, happiness, and salvation! We must also carry out the Will of Allah, through worshipping Him ALONE, obeying His commandments, and practicing what we believe in.
• Submission to the Will of God is the essence of Allah’s message. In the Qur’an, Allah confirms the true meaning of this submission and the reward prepared for those who believe and do good deeds.
1. Belief in Allah (God) – in His existence, His Oneness (in Arabic, Tawheed), His Lordship, His unique names and attributes, and that He is the only One deserving of worship.
2. Belief in Allah’s angels, whom He created to praise Him and to obey Him by carrying out His orders.
3. Belief in Allah’s revelations, including the original Words of Allah revealed to Moses and Jesus, as well as the Glorious Qur’an, which is the final, pure, and authentic Word of God, sent to Prophet Muhammad.
4. Belief in all of Allah’s Messengers and Prophets, including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, John the Baptist, Jesus, and Muhammad.
5. Belief in the Last Day, the Day of Judgment, and accountability. All humankind will be judged by Allah according to their faith and their actions.
6. Belief in the destiny decreed by Allah and in His ultimate knowledge of all things.
1. Shahadah: The testimony of faith that one needs
to pronounce in order to embrace Islam:
“I testify that there is no god worthy of worship but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
2. Salat (Prayer): Performing the five daily, mandatory prayers. These ritual prayers include standing, bowing, and prostrating; reciting parts of the Qur’an; praising and remembering Allah; and asking for His mercy, forgiveness and Paradise.
3. Zakat (almsgiving): The mandatory giving of a certain amount of one’s wealth to the poor and needy.
4. Sawm (fasting): Refraining from all food and drink, and from marital relations, from dawn until sunset throughout the Islamic month of Ramadan.
5. Hajj: The pilgrimage to Makkah that every Muslim must perform once in his or her lifetime, provided he or she is physically, mentally, and financially able to do so.
Islam teaches Muslims to believe in Allah (the One True God), to worship Him alone, and to do good deeds.
Muslims obey the commandments of Allah that Jesus and all of the Prophets taught and obeyed, such as believing in One True God, praying, prostrating and kneeling down in worship, fasting, giving alms and charity, saying “if God wills (Insha Allah)” for something in the future, and using the greeting of Jesus, Muhammad, and the Prophets:
“Peace be upon you (Assalamu Alaikum).”
These are just a few examples and pieces of evidence that clearly demonstrate the truth, unity, and universality of this magnificent and beautiful religion of all the Prophets: Islam. Practically speaking, a Muslim, or a person would like to be a Muslim, must believe in the six articles of faith.
Islamic Names and Terms
Allah: In Arabic, Allah is the proper name of the One True God, the Creator. Islam teaches that Allah is the true God of all humankind. Jewish and Christian Arabs use this name (Allah) to refer to God, and it is the word used for God in Arabic-language Bibles.
Muhammad: the last Prophet of the One True God (Allah); sent to all humankind (may Allah’s blessings and peace be upon him).
Islam: submission to the Will of the One True God (Allah).
Muslim: one who submits to the Will of the One True God (Allah).
The Glorious Qur’an: the final Word of the One True God (Allah), as revealed to Prophet Muhammad.
Masjid: a clean place for praying, worshipping, remembering Allah, and reading the Qur’an.
The Testimony of Faith (the Gateway to Islam)
This is the testimony of faith that one needs to pronounce in order to embrace Islam; it sums up the truth, beauty, and simplicity of Islam.
“I testify that there is no god but Allah, and I testify that Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah.”
In Arabic, it reads:
أشهد أن لا إله إلا الله وأشهد أن محمدا رسول الله
which sounds like this:
The beauty and power of the prayers bring us spiritual growth, psychological comfort, and support, as well as relief, tranquility, and contentment for our souls, minds, and hearts. The way the prayers are spread across the day and night means that we are always reminded of God (Allah).
What adds to the beauty of the prayer is the fact that God’s Prophets ̶ including Adam, Noah, Abraham, Moses, Jesus, and Muhammad ̶ also prayed and prostrated to the same One True God, Allah. In other words, Muslims are following in the footsteps of those Prophets and Messengers of God.
Furthermore, many other beautiful concepts, such as love of God, submission and surrender to Him, supplication, unity, equality, sincerity, patience, humility, and meekness are manifested in and learned from the prayer.
Indeed, sincere prayer, thikr (remembrance of Allah), istighfar (seeking forgiveness), and dua (supplication) ̶ to Allah alone ̶ are profound and wonderful keys to peace of mind, tranquility, and blessings.
Islam answers humanity’s most critical and significant questions, such as:
What is the truth?
Who created us?
Is there a God?
Who is our true God?
Who is God’s final Prophet?
Whom should we worship?
Who are we and why are we here?
What happens after we die?
What will the next life be like?
What is our final destination – Paradise or Hellfire?
How can we attain true peace of mind, success, and happiness?
How can we gain eternal life?
Who is the True God?
Islam reveals clear details about the unique nature and qualities of the One True God. The Glorious Qur’an states:
{Say: He is God (Allah) [Who is] One, God (Allah) the Eternal refuge; He neither begets nor is born, and there is no equivalent to Him.} (112: 1-4)
Some of the qualities that distinguish this true God (Allah) from other beings who claim (or are claimed) to be God are:
• This true God is the Creator; He was neither created nor born. He is only ONE, not more! He has no partners or equals.
• This true God is invisible to us in this life. He is not manifested or incarnated in any physical forms of His creation.
• This One True God is eternal; He does not die or change. He will always be there for us.
• This One True God is not in need of anything or anyone, such as a mother, a wife, or a son; nor does He require food, drink, or any kind of help. It is others who need Him.
• This One True God is unique in His attributes. No one is like Him, and no human or animal characteristics can be attributed to Him.
How Can We Attain Peace of Mind?
1) Knowing our One True God (Allah).
2) Believing in Him alone.
3) Following His Will and obeying Him.
4) Believing in His Prophets (including Prophet Muhammad).
5) Remembering Him.
6) Seeking His forgiveness.
7) Worshipping Him alone.
8) Wishing for others what we wish for ourselves.
9) Being generous to others and trying to make them happy.
10) Being sincere and pious.
What is the Truth About Creation?
Islam tells us that the One True God (Allah) has created the entire creation. It is only this great God (Allah) Who made all humans and animals; the earth and its mountains, oceans and rivers, plants and forests; the sun and the moon, galaxies and orbits; and days and nights. All other objects, including those we know of and those that have not yet been discovered, are aspects of His infinite creation.
Allah created all life on Earth, and He created the entire universe with its time, space, energy, and matter. Allah sustains the universe and everything in it, and He controls all that happens in this universe.
The Glorious Qur’an tells us:
{O humankind, worship your Lord, Who created you and those before you, so that you may become righteous.} (2: 21)
{He (God) created the Heavens and Earth in truth.} (39: 5)
{It is He Who created the night and the day, and the sun and the moon.} (21: 33)
Is the universe the result of an intelligent creator, or did it materialize by blind chance?
Does ‘science’ or ‘the theory of evolution’ disprove the existence of God?
Thousands of God’s Prophets (only some of whose names we know), as well as billions of their followers throughout human history, have confirmed the existence of God. Is it rational or logical to disregard the testimony of these countless people and signs, in favor of ‘science’ alone, when in fact scientific theories only describe the universe and do not ask what or who has created this universe and made it the way it is?
In fact, the scientific evidence indicates that the odds of our universe having arisen by ‘chance’ are truly mind-bogglingly small, yet ‘chance’ is the only explanation that atheists can come up with for the existence and nature of the universe; according to them, it ‘just happens to be this way’.
Given this, please consider which belief is truly more logical: that blind chance governs all, or that the universe is the way it is because it was created and is controlled by God?
Can You See or Touch it?
Not being able to see or tangibly measure abstract feelings, such as love, does not lead to denying its truth and existence.
By the same logic, just because we cannot observe God (with our limited faculties and senses, which cannot comprehend His greatness), this should not make us deny His existence.
God's existence is evident and easily traceable in the unlimited signs and proofs manifested in the creation of innumerable atoms, cells, tissues, and muscles, and in everyone and everything He has created.
The truth in Islam is simple. There is only one God, the Creator and Sustainer of the universe. We must not consider anyone or anything to be above or even equal to Him. The One True God (Allah) has created us to know and worship Him alone.
A Short Story
Once upon a time, my elderly neighbor visited me at home. We talked about several things, one of which was the concept of God. Denying the existence of God, he knocked on the tea table, saying emotionally, “I believe in this table since I can touch it… I can feel it!”
Reasoning with him, I pointed to a lamp in the room and asked, “Do you believe in electricity?”
He replied, “Sure.”
I asked, “Can you see the power or energy that is generating the light?”
“No,” he answered.
I asked him further, “Have you ever seen – with your own eyes – the air we breathe? Do you have feelings? What are their colors, shapes, and sizes? What is sleep? What is its color or weight? How many things do we believe in without actually seeing them?”
The Glorious Qur’an and Prophet Muhammad teach us about the names of Allah, the One True God.
The Glorious Qur’an states:
{And to Allah belong the beautiful names, so call upon Him by them}. (7:180)
When we supplicate to Allah, we are encouraged to call Him by His beautiful names or by the name that is related to our request or need. For example, if our request concerns our provision in life, we might call out to Al-Razzaq, The Provider.
These names do not indicate that Allah is more than one being; they are names that describe the different attributes that belong to the One True God (Allah).
We human beings can never comprehend the greatness of Allah, but the more we know about Him and what pleases Him, the better we can love and worship Him. Learning about Allah – through studying and understanding His names and attributes – brings us peace of mind in this life and the next because we acknowledge that everything is in His hands and happens according to His Will.
Muslims often have names that begin with Abdul (meaning “servant of”) followed by one of the names of Allah. Thus, Abdullah means “servant of Allah”, “Abdul-Rahman” means “servant of Al-Rahman (The Compassionate)”, and so on.
It is important that we put these beautiful attributes into practice in our own lives, to the extent allowed by our human reach and capacity.
Allah: The proper name of the One True God.
Al-Rahman: The Compassionate, the Merciful, Who has mercy on all creatures.
Al-Raheem The Most Merciful. While we can never come close to His mercy, we can appreciate it and try our best to be merciful to others.
Al-Noor: The Light, Who illuminates and guides us, making the invisible visible. In a chapter called Al-Noor, the Qur’an tells us, {Allah is the Light of the heavens and the earth.} (Qur’an 24:35)
Al-Salam: The Source of Peace and Perfection, Who is free of any imperfection. He is always perfect; He does not have human characteristics such as becoming sick, hungry, thirsty, or cold.
Al-Mujeeb: The One Who Responds, the One Who answers our prayers. Allah loves for us to ask His help through supplications, and He loves to answer our prayers, although He may not always answer when or how we wish, because He knows better than we do what is best for us.
Al-Haqq: The Truth, the One True God, Whose words are the truth. Knowing that He is the antithesis of falsehood, we must strive to discover and uphold the truth in all we say and do.
Al-Hakam: The Judge, Whose judgment is perfectly just and cannot be escaped.
Al-Aleem: The All-Knowing, Who knows all that is apparent and all that is hidden, in the past, present, and future. {Not a leaf falls but that He knows it.} (Qur’an 6:59)
Al-Baseer: The All-Seeing, Who sees all that goes on in the entire universe.
Al-Samee: The All-Hearing, Who hears everything. When we call or pray to Him, He hears us.
Al-Adheem: The Great One, Who is greater than anything or anyone in His creation.
Al-Ghafoor: The All-Forgiving, Who constantly forgives those who repent and return to Him.
Al-Tawwab: The One Who accepts repentance. Allah loves for sinners to repent to Him, and He continuously welcomes and accepts our sincere repentance. In contrast, human beings, even those who are closest to us, eventually tire of accepting our mistakes and of welcoming us back afterwards with the same enthusiasm.
Al-Ali: The Most High, The Sublime, Who is high above His creation.
Al-Wadood: The Most Loving, Who loves those who are righteous and obedient, and manifests that love for us in our everyday lives. We should show gratitude for His love, and we should love others by wishing for them what we wish for ourselves.
Al-Raoof: The Most Kind, Whose tenderness, gentleness, pity, and mercy are limitless.
Al-Razzaq: The Provider, Who provides sustenance, safety, and guidance to every living thing. Each of us will receive the provision that has been written for us, but we must work for it – in permissible ways, though, not by fraud or corruption.
Al-Haleem: The Forbearing, Who is calm, patient, and never hasty, even with the sinners, wrongdoers, and those who deny or disbelieve in Him. Allah overlooks our mistakes, and we should strive to do the same with those around us because in reality, those who hold grudges only hurt themselves.
Al-Quddoos: The Holy, the Pure, the Blessed.
Al-Malik: The Sovereign Lord, Who has authority over all the Heavens and Earth.
Attributes and Qualities of God (Allah)
Prophet Muhammad said, “The absolute qualities of beauty and perfection belong to Allah. Indeed, Allah loves beauty.” (Sahih Muslim)
Some of the attributes and qualities that distinguish the only true God (Allah) from others who claim (or are claimed) to be God are:
This One True God (Allah) is unique in terms of His attributes. No one is like Him, and no human or animal characteristics can be attributed to Him.
This true God (Allah) is the Creator; He is neither created nor born.
The One True God (Allah) created us to worship Him alone. When we worship God only, we are liberated from the worship of idols, saints, celebrities, money, or anything else.
We can use these criteria and qualities (as well as others belonging to Allah alone) to evaluate any claim that someone or something is God or divine.
The true God (Allah) is ONE, not three or more! He has no partners or equals.
God (Allah) cannot be seen by human beings or other creatures in this life.
God is not manifested or incarnated in any physical forms of His creation.
God is eternal; He does not die or change.
God is not in need of anything or anyone such as a mother, a wife, or a son; nor does He require food, drink, or any kind of help. It is others who need Him.
The Glorious Qur’an is the Final Revelation (the Last Testament), revealed by God (Allah) to Prophet Muhammad.
The essential message of the Glorious Qur’an is ‘Tawheed’, which refers to the Oneness of God (Allah).
The Glorious Qur’an speaks with the perfect knowledge of the Creator about His creation. It reveals the truth and invites humankind to the way of that truth.
It contains important information about human destiny. It educates and raises people to the highest spiritual, moral, intellectual, and social levels as they strive to comprehend it and apply its teachings.
The Qur’an is an eternal miracle given to the final Prophet, Muhammad, as proof of his prophethood; as such, it is unique and incomparable. Although revealed fourteen centuries ago, it remains even today completely intact and unaltered (in its original Arabic form).
Allah tells us in the Qur’an that He has sent down His Word (the Qur’an) and that He will preserve it. (15:9)
Also, Allah states in the Qur’an:
This is the Book about which there is no doubt, a guidance for those conscious of Allah, who believe in the unseen, establish prayer, and spend out of what We have provided for them, and who believe in what has been revealed to you [O Muhammad] and what was revealed before you, and of the Hereafter they are certain [in faith]. (2: 2-4)
Selected Qur’anic Texts: One True God (Tawheed)
O humankind, remember the favor of Allah upon you. Is there any creator other than Allah who provides for you from the heaven and earth? There is no deity except Him, so how are you deluded? (35: 3)
And He is Allah; there is no deity except Him. To Him is [due all] praise in the first [life] and the Hereafter. His is the [final] decision, and to Him you will be returned. (28: 70)
And your god is One God. There is no deity [worthy of worship] except Him, the Most Compassionate, the Most Merciful. (2: 163)
Say, "He is Allah, [Who is] One, Allah the Eternal Refuge. He neither begets nor is born, and there is no equivalent to Him." (112: 1-4)
Indeed, the pure and crystal-clear concept of the Oneness of God (in Arabic, Tawheed) is the essential theme of the Qur’an
Selected Qur’anic Texts: Forgiveness and Salvation
Say, "O My servants who have transgressed against themselves [by sinning], do not despair of the mercy of Allah. Indeed, Allah forgives all sins. Indeed, it is He Who is the Forgiving, the Merciful." (39:53)
And it is He (Allah) Who accepts repentance from his servants and pardons misdeeds, and He knows what you do. (42:25)
Indeed, Allah loves those who are constantly repentant and loves those who purify themselves. (2: 222)
When a soul repents and returns to Allah, Allah turns back to His servant with acceptance and forgiveness. Yes, Allah forgives all sins when we turn back to Him sincerely. What a great deal!
Islam sees Allah as the source of peace, mercy, and forgiveness ̶ not as a source of hate, bloodshed, violence, or terrorism
Selected Qur’anic Texts: Justice
{O you who have believed, be persistently standing firm for Allah, witnesses in justice, and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness. And fear Allah; indeed, Allah is Acquainted with what you do.} (5:8)
{Indeed, Allah commands you to render trusts to whom they are due, and when you judge between people, to judge with justice.} (4:58)
Islam teaches us to be just with everyone, whether friend or foe, at all times, whether at peace or at war. It teaches us to conduct ourselves with unconditional justice and morality, free from individual whims or the idea that moral values change over time due to changing social and cultural circumstances.
Qur’anic Teachings
The Glorious Qur’an points out that if one kills an innocent soul; it is as if he had killed humankind entirely. And whoever saves one – it is as if he had saved humankind entirely. (5:32)
Concerning the freedom and protection of faith, the Glorious Qur’an states:
{There is no compulsion in religion…} (2:256)
Thus, the Qur’an honors humankind and does not accept forcing anyone to embrace its faith. This is the truth, beauty, justice, kindness, and tolerance of Islam when dealing with non-Muslims.
The Qur’an commands us to be honest, objective, and fair when judging others. Let’s remember what Allah tells us in the Glorious Qur’an:
{…and do not let the hatred of a people prevent you from being just. Be just; that is nearer to righteousness.} (5:8
Equality in Islam
{O humankind, indeed We have created you from male and female and made you peoples and tribes so that you may know one another. Indeed, the most noble of you in the sight of God (Allah) is the most righteous of you. Indeed God (Allah) is Knowing and Acquainted.} (49: 13)
Confirming this ideal concept of equality in Islam, Prophet Muhammad declared in his last sermon:
“O people, your God is One, and your father is One. You are all from Adam, and Adam is from dust. An Arab is not superior to a non-Arab, and a non-Arab is not superior to an Arab. A white has no superiority over a black, nor does a black have superiority over a white. You are all equal. No one has superiority over others except through piety and good action.”
The Final Messenger
Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him), son of Abdullah, was born in Makkah around the year 570 CE. He became known by his people as Al-Amin (the trustworthy one).
Prophet Muhammad is called “the Seal of the Prophets.” As the final Prophet, he was sent to confirm all the truth that had been revealed before him.
Muhammad has been recognized by fair-minded people throughout history as a special and noble personality with a unique character and morals.
The Bible and other religious scriptures foretold the coming of Prophet Muhammad (may Allah's blessings and peace be upon him).
The Glorious Qur’an testifies that {Muhammad is the Messenger of Allah and last of the Prophets.} (33:40)
Every detail of not only his public utterances but also his private life has been authentically documented and faithfully preserved up to the present day.
Muhammad was a Prophet, a Messenger, a religious teacher, a social reformer, a moral guide, a leader, a statesman, a faithful friend, a wonderful companion, a devoted husband, and a loving father.
Confirming the link between Jesus and himself, Prophet Muhammad promised, “If a man believes in Jesus and then believes in me, he will get a double reward.” He also stated, “I am the nearest of all the people to Jesus, the son of Mary, for there was no Prophet between him and me.”
These Prophetic sayings show us how Muhammad honored Jesus (may God’s blessings and peace be upon them both).
In his booklet Muhammad: The Prophet of Islam, Professor Ramakrishna Rao calls him the "perfect model for human life," observing:
The personality of Muhammad, it is most difficult to get into the whole truth of it. Only a glimpse of it I can catch. What a dramatic succession of picturesque scenes! There is Muhammad, the Prophet. There is Muhammad, the Warrior; Muhammad, the Businessman; Muhammad, the Statesman; Muhammad, the Orator; Muhammad, the Reformer; Muhammad, the Refuge of Orphans; Muhammad, the Protector of Slaves; Muhammad, the Emancipator of Women; Muhammad, the Judge; Muhammad, the Saint. All in all these magnificent roles, in all these departments of human activities, he is alike a hero.
During a short period of about twenty-three years of his prophethood, Muhammad changed the entire Arabian Peninsula…
• from paganism and idolatry to submission to One God…
• from tribal quarrels and wars to solidarity and cohesion…
• from drunkenness and debauchery to sobriety and piety…
• from lawlessness and anarchy to disciplined living…
• from utter moral bankruptcy to the highest standards of moral excellence.
The Bible states that the Jews asked John: “Who are you? And he (John) confessed, I am not the Christ. And then they asked him, What then? Are you Elijah? And he said, I am not. Are you that Prophet? And he answered, No.” (John 1:19-21)
Muslim scholars argue that Muhammad is the one referred to in this Biblical text, “Are you that Prophet? And he answered, No.”
So who is “that Prophet”? It clearly does not apply to John the Baptist, nor to Jesus the Christ, as John himself testified.
At this point, a wise, honest, and sincere seeker of the truth should objectively ask:
- Who is that Prophet?
- Who is the true Prophet that came after John and Jesus, conveying their original message about the One True God alone?
He is Muhammad!
In his book The 100: A Ranking of the Most Influential Persons in History, Michael H. Hart stated:
My choice of Muhammad to lead the list of the world’s most influential persons may surprise some readers and may be questioned by others, but he was the only man in history who was supremely successful on both the religious and secular levels.
Hart concluded that:
It is this unparalleled combination of secular and religious influence which I feel entitles Muhammad to be considered the most influential single figure in human history.
“A good word is charity.”
“A sincere smile is charity.”
“The best of you are the best in character.”
“Removing a harmful thing from the path (road) is charity.”
“The best [aspect] of faith is patience and tolerance.”
When asked which aspect of Islam was best, he replied, “Feed and greet both those you know and those you do not know.”
“The Compassionate One [God] has mercy on those who are merciful. If you show mercy to those who are on the earth, He Who is in Heaven will show mercy to you.”
“The best of you are those who are best to their women.”
“None of you truly believes until he loves for his brother what he loves for himself.”